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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse Move Review and Analysis

Blog and Video Description: In this episode of Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and Analyzing Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse done by Sony Animation in Association with Marvel. This movie will deal with where Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse left off. In the last movie, Miguel’s Spider-Man 2099 was already coming to deal with the mess left by the collider in the last movie. Gwen Stacey will be narrating this story instead of Chris Pine’s Peter Parker that began the last movie.

YouTube Vide Description: In this episode of Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and Analyzing Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse done by Sony Animation in Association with Marvel. This movie will deal with where Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse left off. In the last movie, Miguel’s Spider-Man 2099 was already coming to deal with the mess left by the collider in the last movie. Gwen Stacey will be narrating this story instead of Chris Pine’s Peter Parker that began the last movie.

Hello everyone, welcome to the Mattacritic. This is Matthew Hemenway. In this episode of Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and Analyzing Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse done by Sony Animation in Association with Marvel. This movie will deal with where Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse left off. In the last movie, Miguel’s Spider-Man 2099 was already coming to deal with the mess left by the collider in the last movie. Gwen Stacey will be narrating this story instead of Chris Pine’s Peter Parker that began the last movie. I will give you my rating at the end of this review.

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Spoiler Alert: If you do not want to continue reading or watching, please stop here, if you do not care, then please continue watching or reading. Thank you.

As was mentioned before in this review, Gwen Stacey starts off telling the story first and you get some backstory on her character of Spider-Woman. She lets the audience know what she has been through and how she has dealt with it since the last movie. She lost her best friend and boyfriend of Peter Parker after he drunk a potion to become the Lizard. Peter told her he just wanted to be special like Gwen Stacey was. In some versions, Gwen Stacey is called Ghost-Spider instead of Spider-Woman. This will cause her father who is a police captain like he was to Peter Parker’s Spider-Man. His character has been in the two live action versions of Spider-Man of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man movies. In the Andrew Garfield Version, Captain Stacey dies from Spider-Man's battle with the Lizard. Spider-Woman's father thinks she is dangerous, and he must hunt her down and catch her. Gwen’s father blames her for Peter Parker dying. In fact, it was not her fault, Peter Parker drunk a formula that turned him into the Lizard and that is why he ended up dying. You later have Spider-Man 2099 who talks about Doctor Strange who Gwen says, “I would not want to be going to him if his last name is Strange” with the Jessica Drew’s Spider-Woman who happens to be black to help with a Vulture he looks like he came from the Renaissance era and must be stopped. They later take Gwen with them after she took her mask off to show to her father that she is not a bad guy and that she did not kill her best friend of Peter Parker.

The movie will take the viewer to Miles Morales where he is trying to navigate the pillars of being a Superhero and trying to figure out what is going on with his life. He is having to navigate school and the responsibilities of being a superhero. He meets the Spot and yes, if you are asking, he is accurate to what I have seen portrayed in other versions of Spider-Man. Yes, I will sound like a broken record, but the last time The Spot has been portrayed was in the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon show that is currently on Disney+. He is accurate to what I remember him the be. You want to watch The Sins of the Fathers Chapter XII and the episode is called The Spot. It will be Season 3 and you will find it there on Disney+. It was a cartoon show that came out in the years 1994 to 1997. The Spot’s real name in that series is Dr. Ohn. In that episode he was fired by Tony Stark and gets later hired by Kingpin to help him in his quest to become the ultimate criminal. As was mentioned in this movie, he helped Kingpin build the collider. He was exactly like this in the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon show. He helped to build a machine for Tony Stark that could travel exactly in dimensions.

Dr. Ohn helped Tony Stark build the machine that could travel dimensions and Tony Stark as Iron Man had to help Spider-Man stop Venom and Carnage from using the machine for Baron Modro to help bring Dorth Manu to our dimension. This would have been the two episodes before the Spot appeared in the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon show.

As I would have mentioned he helped to build the collider for Kingpin and that is what brings the spider from Earth 42 which ends up biting Miles Morales in his Earth of Earth 1610, if I remember that correctly. The Spot does not want to be the villain of the week, he wants to be the ultimate villain. Spot wants to be strong enough to destroy the Miles Morales Spider-Man. This is his goal. Miles realizes that he must stop him from doing this.

Miles misses Gwen Stacey and he realizes he wishes she and he could be together. Gwen comes back to see him and tells him that they need to stop what is happening to the Multiverse. She tells him to stay strong and that she misses him. She tells him that she must go and that she will see him later. She was having to deal with the Spot. Gwen will say goodbye to Miles.

Miles will follow her, and they both end up in the universe of the Indian Spider-Man in Mumbai, India. That spider-man tells the audience that they drink Chai tea which is an actual tea that they drink in India. I have had Chai tea; it is surprisingly good. Miles Morales makes a critical error in saving the Indian Spider-Man's girlfriend's father who was supposed to die. He is a police captain like in the other versions of Spider-Man.

The movie will take the viewer to Miguel’s headquarters in Nueva York in 2099. Instead of being called New York his city is called Nueva York. Nueva is Spanish for New. This is where there will be the chase of Miles Morales escaping the spider-men and spider-women that are coming after him. Miles learns something bad will happen and he wants to prevent it from happening.

As not to be revealed, nothing more will be revealed here. It does bring the viewer to the climax of the movie and set up another movie in this series.

I will now give you, my rating. I give Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse, a 10 out 10. It was fun but tells an exceptionally relevant story. It keeps the viewer entertained and engaged. The viewer has no idea that he or she has been sitting watching this movie for 2 hours and 20 minutes. The viewer is left wanting more and wanting the answers to be sought out right away instead of having to wait. It does well to make the viewer want more. The movie has references to Lego Spider-Man as well as crossing in the live action versions of the character of Spider-Man. This crossing with animation to live action is what these two directors have done before. They have done it in the first 2 Lego movies. That had Elizabeth Banks and Chris Pratt in the two movies. It was cool to see this done in this movie. What did you think of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse? Did you like it or not? Please leave your rating in the comment section below. Please use a 10 out of 10 rating system like I do. For example, you could say I give it an 8 out of 10 rating. Thank you for participating if you do this.

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Hello everyone, welcome to the Matta critic. In this video, I will be opening a box that I just got for merchandise. This was a Christmas present from my mother. This is my merchandise, so I will show you what it will look like. It will come from a company called Helping Hand Creatives. Most content creators have them come from third parties. It will come from people like Amazon or Tee Public to use as examples. I will now open the box. Here are the two shirts that I got. Pretty cool. I will describe them to you.

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As I told you in my last video or blog post, I need some help to pay some bills. My laptop’s hard drive died and obliviously had to get a new one. Please help me in any way that you can. You can go to and shop at my store to buy some merchandise. You can also support me with a PayPal donation by clicking the left tab of the website which I will point to you now since I have the website up for you. You can also become a Patron by clicking on my Patreon page here or clicking on the YouTube tab here and signing up for YouTube memberships. Thank you.

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Music: A Day to Remember from Microsoft's Clipchamp Video Editor

Reference: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Man-Verse (2023)

Reference: Spider-Man: 1994 to 1997 cartoon show and image of the Spot:

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