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A Killer’s Game, A Daniela Vega Book 1 Review and Analysis

Blog and Video Description: In this episode of the Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and analyzing the book A Killer’s Game, A Daniela Vega Thriller written by Isabella Maldonado which is an Amazon Published Book. I will go over several topics in this episode. This story will start off with the murder of a prominent Senator’s chief of staff and it will seem like the Senator is innocent in this story. It will lead Daniella Vega being put in with a bunch of murderers for hire in a deadly game where she must survive a trial by combat. It is a sick and twisted game created by the mastermind in this. I will give you my rating at the end of this review. I hope this episode will inspire you to read, watch, and learn.

YouTube Video Description: In this episode of the Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and analyzing the book A Killer’s Game, A Daniela Vega Thriller written by Isabella Maldonado which is an Amazon Published Book. I will go over several topics in this episode. This story will start off with the murder of a prominent Senator’s chief of staff and it will seem like the Senator is innocent in this story. It will lead Daniella Vega being put in with a bunch of murderers for hire in a deadly game where she must survive a trial by combat. It is a sick and twisted game created by the mastermind in this. I will give you my rating at the end of this review. I hope this episode will inspire you to read, watch, and learn.

Hello everyone, welcome to the Mattacritic. This is Matthew Hemenway. In this episode of the Mattacritic, I will be reviewing and analyzing the book A Killer’s Game, A Daniela Vega Thriller written by Isabella Maldonado which is an Amazon Published Book. I will go over several topics in this episode. This story will start off with the murder of a prominent Senator’s chief of staff and it will seem like the Senator is innocent in this story. It will lead Daniella Vega being put in with a bunch of murderers for hire in a deadly game where she must survive a trial by combat. It is a sick and twisted game created by the mastermind in this. I will give you my rating at the end of this review. I hope this episode will inspire you to read, watch, and learn.

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I want to thank Jessica of Detroit, Michigan for helping to support the channel by buying a shirt that helps and to Antonio, Ken, and Peter for becoming Patrons on my Patreon page. It is not the amount or how much I may make, it is the idea that someone believes in what this channel is about and wants to support it. Please help and be like Jessica in buying any merchandise from my website or signing up for Patreon like Antonio, Ken, and Peter or YouTube memberships. You will say to me that you believe in this channel, and you want it to thrive and to keep it independent. You can sign up for Patreon at $1 a month, $5 a month, $10 a month, $20 a month, or as high as $30 a month. For YouTube memberships, you can sign up at $3.99 a month, $9.99 a month, $24.99 a month, and you can go as high as $49.99 a month. Thank you. Now on with the review.

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As was mentioned in this review, the book starts with the murder of a prominent Senator’s chief of staff. It will reveal things that those will not want revealed. The Senator’s chief of staff was provided with information that the Senator was corrupt and was taking bribes just to stay in power. This murder happened in New York City. The killer looks like he is going to kill an innocent girl, but he does not. It is a bluff, just for him to get away. He was hired to kill the Senator’s chief of staff and that is what he does. Of course, the name of the victim is mentioned, it is better if it is not revealed in this review.

Daniella Vega will catch this guy after he sees him in Central Park. She captures him and he is taken to the JTTF. JTTF means Joint Terrorism Task Force which comprises of Federal law enforcement with local law enforcement working together to solve or stop terrorist threats. This task force was created after September 11, 2001, happened. This task force handles Terrorist threats. The name of the killer is Gustavo Torro. This is in the book description of the book if you read it on Amazon. He is turned into an informant; he and Daniella Vega will go undercover to stop whatever the Colonial is planning. They are led to believe that they are going to a virtual training facility, but it ends up being a deadly killer’s game.

The Killer’s game is a trial by combat, and it is forcing all these contract killers to have to face off against each other in this dangerous and deadly game for their lives. They are not fighting for money; they are fighting for their lives. They must kill or be killed. This game is no different than war. The individual that comes up with this deadly game is called Nemesis. Nemesis has an agenda, and this is personal for Nemesis. Yes, the name of the person called Nemesis is in the book, but it will not be revealed as for you to read the book. The reader will conclude that this is personal for Nemesis.

Gustavo Torro and Daniela Vega must figure out how to survive this deadly game that Nemesis has planned for them and the people they are having to survive against. Including the Colonial, there are 13 of them that must survive this deadly game that Nemesis has planned for them.

This would be justice for these people, but no one should have to be put through a sick game like this. It is better to just to kill them then to torture them like this. This is no different than the Roman gladiator games. Nemesis believes this will be justice for the Colonial and these thugs that have worked for him to do these horrible things that they have done over the years. Nemesis blames the FBI for their failure to get justice for what had happened to Nemesis 10 years ago before this event of this trial by combat takes place.

Daniela Vega will get help from unusual sources as well as Gustavo Torro will surprise the reader in this book. At the beginning, he is nothing more than a contract killer, but he will prove he is more than that. The Colonial is a disgraced military man, who works for nothing more than money at the time of this trial by combat takes place. He is a man that was more interested in greed and power. The Colonial did not advance in the way he was hoping too.

As not to forget Daniela Vega was an Army Ranger, which means if anyone can get out of this, it is her with her training. She understands a warlike situation. She can figure out how to get out of this deadly game that Nemesis has put her in. She is a codebreaker, and a puzzle master which Nemesis will put puzzles for her to solve and she must use that ability to help her to get out this deadly game of this Subterrain labyrinth that she and Gustavo Torro have been put in.

Steve Wu is an FBI agent that oversees this operation with the help of NYPD Detective Flint. They must figure out where these breadcrumbs lead and what they mean to help save Daniela Vega and Gustavo Torro who is their informant. They must figure out where these leads. They get help from Daniela Vega’s brother who is a wiz with a computer and is very bright at a young age. He is going to Columbia which is not an easy school to go to. Steve Wu tells her brother that he went to Columbia as well and knows that it is a tough school to get into.

There are others in the JTTF that help in this, but this will be left for you to read the book. It is important for you to want to read the book, which I will leave in the description below.

As not to revealed, nothing more will be revealed here. It does bring the reader to the climax of this book and set up a possible sequel to this book.

I will give you, my rating. I give The Killer’s Game, Daniela Vega Book 1, a 10 out of 10. It is fun but tells an important story. It does well by combining the computer game experience that the participants of the Killer’s game are going through. The viewers believe this game is a video game that is not real, but it is real. They do an excellent job of using the Greek mythology that represents each person in this story to a T. It is very accurate to these characters in this story, the reader can say that this makes sense to that. The participants are horrible people for most of them except for Daniela Vega and Gustavo Torro. Yes, he was a contract killer, but he redeems in this book. The Colonial is a horrible man and the people that are with him are horrible. Daniela Vega will show her toughness in this horrible game that she has been put in. Both FBI agent Steve Wu and NYPD detective Flint will show their determination to find this place that Daniela Vega and Gustavo Torro have been put in. They hope that her brother gave them the clue they need to find both and that the others in the JTTF can help them put the right piece of this puzzle together. The author worked for the FBI, and this shows why her facts are so accurate here in this story. She also talked to those in the Army, so she knew what she needed to make that aspect of Daniela Vega’s training feel real. She does her homework, and her description of New York City is accurate since I have visited there myself. It is good that it comes with an audio version as this will help if a person travels and that is a plus. The reader will think he/she has figured it out once the pieces of the puzzle are put together, but there is another twist in this book. Who is the actual mastermind of this twisted game? Is the Senator corrupt in this story? Please leave your answers in the comment section below. Thank you.

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You want to consider checking out my blog that I have been posting links on my Facebook page at, the blog will have the written portion of the review as the YouTube video being included there as well.

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Unboxing clip

Hello everyone, welcome to the Matta critic. In this video, I will be opening a box that I just got for merchandise. This was a Christmas present from my mother. This is my merchandise, so I will show you what it will look like. It will come from a company called Helping Hand Creatives. Most content creators have them come from third parties. It will come from people like Amazon or Tee Public to use as examples. I will now open the box. Here are the two shirts that I got. Pretty cool. I will describe them to you.

I forgot to put it in here, but you can watch out of the Ashes Book review which will have it if you are interested in watching this portion. You want to watch the video to see what I told you in the unboxing portion and you understand what to buy. You want to go to and buy merchandise to help support the channel and the blog on my website. Thank you.

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Please check out my playlist review of Books that I reviewed coming up right now. Please check out my review of Out of The Ashes by clicking on this link right now. Thank you for watching or reading.

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